Update to Version - A few small fixes

Here's a list of the most recent bug fixes since the game has been pre-launched as version beta

Current Update to version beta --> 
- Changed the HUD text objects to SpriteFonts which look better, takes less space on the screen, and should also offer a slight performance boost, although this will be more noticeable on older computers (like mine, for example...)
- Small minor modification to the orthography of some of the NPC's names to add a bit more exoticism in them, and also to show off the new SpriteFonts
- Slight update to the fan stands sprite so that they look a little better and also updated the collision polygon to reflect more accurately it's actual shape.
- Improved the save feature by specifically excluding all graphic objects from being included in the autosave file, as it not necessary to save them anyway, thus saving only the raw data which should make for significantly smaller save files.  I didn't verify by how much exactly, but it is an obvious gain.  It wasn't posing a problem either, but I still did it as a matter of good house-keeping.  The save system could be optimized even more, but it would need to be redesigned completely which I can't do at the moment under current limitations.

Previous Update to version beta  --> Fixed one of the tracks in which one of the cars wasn't placed in his proper position on the starting grid.  Found this one out while testing the overall game to see how it behaves once it's several seasons in, a testing session from which I hope to learn valuable data as to how I could tackle the config AI problem, as there are many factors to consider.  I'm also considering the option that the game might be competitive enough as it is.

Previous update (version beta) bug fixes :  
- Winner of championship is now correctly attributed again past the first season due to some last minute code I added without thinking about where else it could affect the game;  
- On the Pole Position newspaper article, the picture of the driver was overlapping a portion of the text when the title happens to be long enough for it to happen.  Now, the text will overlap the picture, which is the lesser of both evils.  
- Another minor bug made it so that some cars would happen to be "under" some of the skid marks.  This was hardly noticeable and required specific conditions related to brakes usage for it to happen.  This was merely cosmetic and barely noticeable, but this has been fixed as well.  
- I also made a few minor adjustments to the end-of-race bonuses and to the penalties applied for car crashes, in order to hamper down some of the effects on the pilots' moods, which were fluctuating with a little too much amplitude to my liking during "mood swings".  
- Finally, I added a mention about the game's autosave feature


F-8 Racing Manager Demo 09997beta.zip 71 MB
Feb 07, 2019

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